Business details
Opening Hours
  • Mon-Fri - 9am to 5pm
Business Types
Health, Health and Fitness
Establishment year
About this business

Helping individuals & organisations achieve optimal health without feeling deprived or miserable!

I’m a certified nutrition health coach on a mission to transform lives through holistic wellness, empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive both personally and professionally, and helping organisations embed workplace wellness strategies.

I understand the challenges faced by today’s workforce, and leverage my experience in nutrition and aromatherapy to design engaging programs that:
* Boost energy levels and focus.
* Promote healthy eating habits for busy schedules.
* Reduce stress and support emotional wellbeing.
* Promote natural solutions for chronic health concerns.

* Corporate Workshops on Nutrition, Healthy Habits and Stress Management Techniques
* Public Workshops and Health Education on Healthy Habits and Low-Tox Living
* Nutrition Programs and Cooking Classes
* Individual and Group Coaching
* Retreats, Online Courses and Webinars


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